The battle for health insurance reform has reached a critical stage with Nevada Sen. Harry Reid in the middle of negotiations to see what elements will be included in the final Senate bill.
Now is the time to remind Reid, Sen. John Ensign and Rep. Dina Titus who they actually represent back in Washington.
Negotiations are designed to pull different committee bills together for a full Senate vote. Eventually, the legislation will have to go back to the House. So, it's critical that Nevadans tell all of their Congressional representatives that we need reform now.
Take action now.
Call your representatives and tell them you want a strong public option to keep insurance companies accountable. Call today and add your voice to the ones our representatives hear. We Nevadans have to speak louder than the insurance lobbyists.
Call today!
John Ensign (202) 224-6244 in Washington, D.C., or (702) 388-6605 in Las Vegas.
Harry Reid (202) 224-3542 in Washington, D.C., or (702) 388-5020 in Las Vegas.
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 in Washington, D.C., or (702) 387-4941 in Henderson.
Take action now. Let your voice be the one Nevada's representatives remember when they vote.
After you call, visit our website for more information about health care reform and how you can make a difference in the debate.
Erin Neff
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