So what was Sharrontology's answer? Don't give them any!
"People don't want to be unemployed," she explained. "They want to have real, full-time, permanent jobs with a future. That's what they want, and we need to create that climate in Washington, D.C. that encourages businesses to create those full-time, permanent jobs with a future, and all [Rep.] Shelley Berkeley and [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid want to do is put a band-aid on this by extending unemployment, which really doesn't benefit anyone. What happens is of course that your skills stagnate. You become demoralized yourself, you know, feeling that I can't ever get a job, and these are not the solutions to the problem. We have real solutions, but they won't look at the real solutions."
Oh jeez, where do I start?
Yes, people do want to have real, full-time, permanent jobs with a future. And Harry Reid understands this! That's why he delivered on the $83 million school aid that's helping local school districts hire more teachers across the state. That's why he delivered on bringing a major wind turbine manufacturing plant to Southern Nevada to create more well-paying green collar jobs. That's why he worked to deliver on two energy transmission lines that will create 2,000 more green collar jobs. That's why he ensured passage of the Travel Promotion Act to encourage more foreign guests to visit Nevada. And that's why he called the banks to secure funding to finish CityCenter and save the 22,000 jobs on the line there, as well as continuing to fight to keep Lake Tahoe as a unique environmental jewel that continues to pump economic life into Northern Nevada.
That's what Harry Reid has been doing to bring more jobs to Nevada. So what does Sharron Angle want to do about jobs? Listen to what she has to say herself!
So she refuses to go out of her way to help Nevadans find jobs, and now she doesn't even want to offer any help while people are looking for new jobs! No one wants to be unemployed, and $400 per week does not make a "glamorous lifestyle". Unemployment insurance is a much needed lifeline for people who are out of work and searching for new work. And since we've all paid into it, don't we deserve it when we're in need?
And if that isn't bad enough, she doesn't even want to prepare our kids to be competitive in the global economy and be equipped for better jobs in the future. Remember that good education means good jobs, and Sharron Angle opposes help to keep Nevada schools open as well as Millennium Scholarships that helps in getting more Nevadans into college. I guess that's why more and more prominent Republicans, such as Former Nevada First Lady Dawn Gibbons, are rejecting Sharrontology's extremism.
So yet again, we must realize the high stakes in this election. We can't afford the kind of radical right extremism that Sharron Angle embraces. We need real action to bring more real jobs to Nevada. And this means we must keep Harry Reid as our Senate Majority Leader so he can keep fighting for us.
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