Thursday, March 17, 2011

LGBTQ Equality Takes Center Stage at OFA Nevada

Last night, I dropped by Organizing for America's Las Vegas office. They do "Community Action Nights" every Wednesday, and this week it was all about LGBTQ equality. Oh, joy.

#LGBTQ #equality action night @OFA_NV #nvp2 #fb on Twitpic

@CMillerTSF @OFA_NV @NVStonewalldems #LGBTQ #equality night #fb on Twitpic

@LauraKMM @OFA_NV #LGBTQ #equality action #nvp2 #fb on Twitpic

@OFA_NV #LGBTQ #equality action night #nvpolitics #nvp2 #fb on Twitpic

@iamderekw @OFA_NV #LGBTQ #equality #nvp2 #nvpolitics #fb on Twitpic

Actually, there was room full of people ready to discuss important issues, then take action. When OFA calls their weekly event their "Community Action Night", they really aren't kidding.

While there was plenty of talk of policy, many also stayed to share their own stories and get working. Stonewall Democratic Club of Southern Nevada Communications Whiz Laura Martin started preparing her own story to write on why many straight folk care about equality for all. Others were outside calling neighbors and fellow Nevadans about what we just learned. Nevada Stonewall Democratic Caucus President Chris Miller even took to the phones himself to talk to fellow Nevada voters!

As we've talked about here before, there are still so many issues that need to be addressed, such as workplace discrimination, marriage rights, bullying, and health care. I was pleased to see the local, grassroots arm of the DNC actually having that conversation on these very issues at the local office.

I hope we continue to see more of this in the future.

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