Monday, June 11, 2012

Who Said What About an Organized Party? (@nvdems Day 1-Day 2)

Late on Saturday, State Senator Ruben Kihuen (D-Las Vegas) gave his speech to the Nevada State Democratic Party Convention as he was running to be Nevada's DNC Committeeman. And while Ruben touched on that, he also reminded the crowd of why they were all there.

Like the rest of Saturday's big headline speakers, he stressed the need to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. And Ruben pledged to do his part to accomplish just that. Again, it wasn't the kind of drama that Nevada Republicans regularly put out. But really, it's more of a relief than a disappointment.

Actually, most of the drama occurred yesterday, when the party had to adopt a new platform. A delegate from Douglas County tried to amend the new provision supporting marriage equality. At first, that amendment had succeeded... Then it was found to be in violation of platform adoption rules, so it was thrown out and the original provision clearly supporting LGBTQ equality was restored.

There was also tension building over the new provision in support of a mining tax. But once the party's executive board laid down the rules, the path was cleared for the new platform to pass without any further roadblocks, revisions, or other complications.

I'm assuming most of the media were yawning over the Democratic Convention because it was so anti-climatic compared to the Republicans'. But again, that's not really a bad thing. In fact, it's how a state party is supposed to function. And as we're increasingly seeing in the field, Nevada Republicans will have a steep price to pay this fall for airing out all their dirty laundry in public.

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