After waiting the entire summer for Joe Heck to meet with constituents and answer the questions we have about what he's doing in Congress, a group of Nevadans decided enough was enough. They mapped out his
This is where one can find Joe Heck's office.

Oh wait, where is it?! There's no sign at the office complex. And it's smack dab in the midst of so many empty lots and near the most foreclosure ridden neighborhoods of Las Vegas.

And because Joe Heck continues to hide from the public at "Pay-Per-View Congress" private events he claims to be "town halls", these Nevadans had no other choice. They drove all the way here, most from where most of the population of NV-03 actually reside, to send Heck a message.

Linda Overbey is an unemployed union painter. Joe Heck wouldn't listen to her when she attended what was supposed to be a discussion on jobs, so she was at his office last night to say what needed to be said.
Steve Rypka lives in the district, and was even one of the "approved residents" for last Saturday's "Pay-Per-View Congress" event... Except that he was ready to call phony baloney on Heck's fake "jobs plan" that subsidizes the fossil fuel industry while shortchanging Nevadans looking forward to green collar jobs and a brighter clean energy future. And of course, Joe Heck and his staff can't handle a constituent calling them out on their BS!
Dick Collins was also on hand to talk last night. He's been waiting for Heck to tell the truth about Social Security and Medicare, but instead all he's been seeing (along with the rest of us) has been attacking Nevada seniors and disabled by calling Social Security a "pyramid scheme" and voting for Paul Ryan's plan to kill Medicare. Collins was ready to set the record straight on Heck's doublespeak.
And there were even more stories from the constituents who braved the mighty wind and furious heat to stand outside Joe Heck's office after trying to get a hold of him. As the rally was winding down, people were calling his Las Vegas office... And couldn't even leave a voicemail! Not even that was available for the increasing number of angry constituents who have been increasingly frustrated by Heck hiding from the public.
Well, at least we know who Heck won't automatically hide from... But not even his own teabagger base is happy with him any more! But no matter how much he wants to deny it, "Tea Party, Inc." installed Joe Heck into office. And Joe Heck ultimately does what "Tea Party, Inc." tells him to do, even with the rank and file teabagger "grassroots" don't necessarily like it.
That's really the story of NV-03... And it's the same story one can find throughout the country as Republicans who rode "The TEA Party Wave" into office are now ducking underwater in hopes of us forgetting what they've done to wreck our economy and endanger America's middle class. And the only way we can get a happy ending to this story is if we finally put an end to this "TEA Party" madness and reject the craven Republicans who are pandering to them while ignoring the real suffering of all the rest of us.
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