Wednesday, December 16, 2009

NV-Gov: Maybe We Won't Just Worship "The Anointed One" This Time.

Remember "the good ol' days" when the "business establishment" would simply anoint a candidate... And boom, he became Governor?! Republican Brian Sandoval does.

By most accounts, Sandoval’s campaign fits with the state’s long history of “anointment politics,” wherein a group of power brokers recruits and coalesces around a single candidate. Campaigns are fought on the airwaves, not on the ground — with an air of inevitability.

In 1998, Kenny Guinn, a banking and utility executive and former Clark County School District superintendent, was the beneficiary of this process. Four years later, he rolled to re-election with 68 percent of the vote.

Likewise, the establishment rallied around Gibbons in 2006.

But wait, this isn't 1998! This isn't even 2006.

But times have changed. After the crushing defeats of last year’s elections, Republicans worry about an anointment campaign in the age of Obama.

As one Republican consultant put it: “I’m wondering if they’re running a 2003 campaign in 2009.”

Republicans worry about the perceived message and the candidate’s ground game.

“It’s a traditional anointment strategy but it might not be the right environment for that strategy,” said Dave Damore, a UNLV political scientist. “The electorate is not interested in establishment candidates right now.”

Apparently, the latest reality check for "The Anointed One" was when the teachers' union decided on an endorsement. Surprise, they're looking for more than empty platitudes!

When the state teachers union gathered to endorse a candidate for governor last month, board members had a short list: Democrat Rory Reid or Republican Mike Montandon.

GOP front-runner Brian Sandoval didn’t make the cut. He hadn’t returned a questionnaire the candidates were sent to get their views on education issues.

But in between candidate interviews that Friday afternoon, Sandoval called the union’s political consultant. He wanted an extension, saying he needed more time to consult with his campaign.

The board said no, ultimately deciding to back Reid, the Clark County Commission chairman. (Gov. Jim Gibbons returned the questionnaire but declined to be interviewed by the union.)

Lynne Warne, president of the Nevada State Education Association, said the board found Sandoval’s actions baffling. Although the union is generally aligned with Democrats, it has endorsed Republicans in the past, including Sandoval when he was Nevada’s attorney general. Also, she said the candidates had a month to return the union’s questionnaire.

“He knows the routine,” Warne said. “The board was not comfortable with the way his campaign was set up.”

Haha. Poor Republican Brian Sandoval. He expected Nevada's teachers to roll over and do his bidding, but they'd rather choose a candidate with a real plan.

Yeah, yeah, go ahead and say the usual crap about "Harry's son". Yes, I know he isn't perfect... Especially since not even he's ready to admit the obvious on the need for progressive tax reform in this state. But hey, at least he has some plan for us to see and evaluate for ourselves. And to be fair to the GOoPers across the aisle, we now know what "Luv Guv" Gibbons and Mikey Montandon are all about.

So what say you, "The Anointed One"? What is Sandoval's plan? For anything??!! Has he said anything meaningful on any policy? Or does he expect us to be subservient to him just because he looks nice and "knows all the right people"?

Maybe we've been fooled too many times, and maybe we're finally ready for something different.

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